Private Print Tuition

I teach all levels of print making from beginner to advanced from my studio on the Isle of Wight. I am currently developing a new course which shall launch in September 2023. To find out more please use the form on the Contact Page.

Printmakers taking part in a weekly Press Gang session in Spring 2023


New for ‘23: Press Gang

The Press Gang was a trial program to give experienced print makers access to the excellent facilities at Jubilee Stores in Newport on the Isle of Wight. This was not a course to teach print making but to facilitate access to use the etching press and the Columbian Press at Jubilee Stores for printmakers with some experience.

Press Gang initially ran as a 4 month trial from January-April 2023. There was great up take to the scheme and I am currently working to extend the program. If you are insterested in hearing update from the Press Gang please join us on Padlet using this link.